1 January 2015


Happy New Year everybody! I hope ringing in the new year was super fun for you all and that you're not suffering from any major hangovers today. As soon as the clocks hit twelve my boyfriend's family made me go outside in my onesie to bang some pots and pans.

Rather than summing up my 2014 I want to set a couple of goals for the upcoming year.

Take blogging seriously.

I've always dabbled in blogs since my university days but always let it slide when something else crops up whether work or social. However in the past couple of weeks I've really enjoyed doing this so am determined to keep it up.

Learn to save money.

I'm going to be 24 this year and each month I'm still scraping pennies at least a week before payday which is no fun at all. I want to be able to save and either drive or start saving for the adult life of a mortgage.

Try something fancier.

I'm terrible when it comes to buying things. I see a 3 for 2 deal in boots and I'm all over it, I want to be able to save up and splurge more on more premium beauty and fashion products... That doesn't mean I want to ditch the high street.

Find something that makes you happy.

I've recently learnt that money is not greater than happiness. This means that I am seeking a new job to do something which I actually enjoy, but this does mean taking a pay cut.

Do something different.

I want to broaden my horizons, my boyfriend and I love going and staying away for a night even if it isn't anywhere fancy. With that in mind and his groupon addiction then I can spy a few weekends somewhere abroad... I'm thinking Budapest, Paris and Amsterdam as my starting points.

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